Monday, May 2, 2011

May Game Madness

This month so many great games are coming, and I'm already behind since I still haven't picked up a copy of Portal 2. Valve didn't offer anything I wanted with the pre-order and the PSN has been down all week so it didn't seem all that dire.
Now I shall list every game coming this month that I want to play -
Fable 3, L.A. Noire and The Witcher 2 are all coming out on the 17th. That week is going to hit our budget hard because I plan to go on an all out RPG binge. It may even rival the week Burning Crusade came out and we all rushed Outlands, downing energy drinks and eating artificially flavored snacks. I am so glad I beat my World of Warcraft addiction.
Then, if I am not in a caffeine burned out coma by the 24th, I'm planning to play F.E.A.R. 3. I loved the first F.E.A.R. game, the second one was meh, but I'm hoping the third rocks.
Then on the 27th Dungeon Siege III is coming out. I haven't played a top down RPG since NwN but the local two player mode is very appealing to me.
Then in June Alice: Madness Returns comes out. One of my favorite games when I was younger was American McGee's Alice. I played the whole thing through about 4 times and thought it was really creepy and artistic. When they announced the American McGee Oz game and released some of the art for it, I was super super excited. When that project was shelved I have to admit I might have shed a few tears.
American McGee is such a huge part of gaming history, with his work at id on Wolfenstein, Doom and Quake. Those are the games that made me the gamer that I am today. Playing those games was a huge defining moment in my life. Now that he's finally made a sequel to the Alice game, I hope it lives up to my expectations.
Then Infamous 2 comes out and I want to give that a play through as well.
All in all, I think this year in gaming will have a lot to keep me busy with until Elder Scrolls: Skyrim and Star Wars: Old Republic come out. I've been waiting for both since they were announced. People who have known me for a few years can attest to how many times I've mentioned SW:OR in the last four years.
Other games I am looking forward to - Twisted Metal, The Last Guardian, Rage, Max Payne 3, Uncharted 3 and Mass Effect 3! So many threes this year.

2011 - so many games and so little time!


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