Sunday, May 1, 2011

Storage ampersand Organization equal Relief


Woot! In our house we have three bedrooms. One of these bedrooms I have claimed for my craft room. Just a few hours ago I would not have let anyone walk into my craft room, for fear they would think I'm some sort of hoarding slob who shoves all of their mess into one room and closes the door. In fact I was, and I had been ever since I was five years old. My mother used to tell me to clean my room but I would just shove everything under the bed, straighten the bed ruffle and call it good.
But now I have changed my ways! Organization! Order! Storage! I am no longer letting my craft room build up into a messy catch all. The sterilite shelves have been assembled and all of the mess that was piled into the closet and into boxes on the floor is now an organized! The whole mess was weighing heavy on my mind and causing what my husband calls "mental anguish".
Now that it is clean I can look forward to my summer of fun projects!


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